Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Pretty Balanced

Last night Justin and I got to see one of our favorite bands, Pretty Balanced. The night didn't start out as we'd planned, but we still had a wonderfully fun time.

The band was supposed to play at The Jewish Mother, a great restaurant down at the Virginia Beach ocean front. We got there early so we could have dinner first, but to our surprise they were closed. The lights were off, the door was locked and not a soul was in sight. Totally surprising, since they are always open late and there wasn't an announcement.

I called my sister, and she went to the bands Myspace page. She said their page now said they were playing at The Bayside Inn. Sigh...and where's that? Luckily, I just got a new cell phone that had a month of free GPS navigation. I hadn't tried it yet, but I typed in "The Bayside Inn, VA Beach" and it found it! And it gave me turn by turn directions! (Isn't technology amazing?)

We got to the show about ten minutes late, but at least we got there. The band was awesome, and super nice (they were here last winter and remembered us!) The venue really sucked (just a hole in the wall, redneck bar) and was full of smoke and loud drunks, but I still had a great time. And afterward (since we still hadn't had dinner) we went to IHOP! Midnight pancakes always seem to taste better than morning pancakes.

Pretty Balanced

I've put a few videos of the show up on my Youtube page...
"The Skin"

Prosthetic Face (a new song)

Shut Me Up (MSI cover)

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